Besides providing software solutions to our clients we can also assist you with environmental services. Some of our capabilities are listed below.
Energy Management and environmental budgeting
Since 1998 we in NEMS have delivered different energy management solutions to our clients. We conduct comprehensive energy mappings, modelling and forecasting of our clients energy demand. Since 2010, we have conducted over 3 000 energy forecasts for different projects and clients. We can create forecasts for smaller unmanned platforms to larger offshore oil and gas complexes. The majority of the fields on NCS have used energy and emissions forecasts from NEMS. All these giants we have established forecasts for.
We have designed a unified energy and environmental forecasting methodology and guidelines for the oil and gas industry.
Knowledge of energy forecasting is a key competence needed for establishing emissions forecasts and in establishing energy baselines in accordance with ISO 50001.
We also conduct environmental budgets from cradle to grave of all emissions, discharges, waste generation and chemical usage for any kind of project.
Environmental Studies
NEMS has conducted several studies since the mid 1980s.
- Review and give expert advice on clients' emission identification practices
- Prepare complete emission inventories for scope 1, 2 and 3. Read more about Scope 3 here.
- Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) Assessments
- Evaluate technical and financial emission abatement opportunities
- Prepare guidelines for environmental reporting. These guidelines outline how to calculate emissions to air, discharges to sea and waste from oil and gas facilities
- Develop practices and methods for quantifying emissions from onshore and offshore oil and gas facilities. These methods have later been used in national inventories
- Examine international emission quantification practices for petroleum production and compare those with other practices
- Identify emission sources on oil and gas facilities via detailed surveys
- Investigate emissions to air, discharges to sea and waste generation from the onshore and offshore oil and gas facilities
- Benchmark the environmental performance of oil and gas fields
- Quality assure reported environmental data
Environmental Compliance
NEMS has for decades been involved in the development of reporting guidelines and quantification methods for the oil and gas industry. We have established and update annually on behalf of the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association the environmental reporting guidelines for oil and gas operations in Norway. We have also designed unified energy and environmental forecasting guidelines for the oil and gas industry.
We are a passionately dedicated partner when it comes to environmental compliance. At NEMS we say we are Compliant By Nature®.
Our energy and environmental experts will assist you with your environmental reporting such as annual reporting, EU ETS reporting, discharge permit application and more. Our vast experience ensure you get cost efficient and high quality compliancy work.
Over the years NEMS has worked in close collaboration with the Norwegian authorities. Norwegian Environment Agency and Norwegian Petroleum Directorate are among our clients. NEMS has also worked on multiple projects with Offshore Norge and Petoro.
Chemical Documentation
We have since 1995 assisted most of the chemical suppliers and operators with correct environmental documentation of chemicals, according to the OSPAR HOCNF (Harmonized Offshore Chemical Notification Format) framework. Our NEMS Chemicals solution is the preferred HOCNF database system in the North Atlantic.
We can assist you with advisory service and assistance with the current legislations and guidelines, prepare and quality assure your HOCNF and advise you on pre-screening of test results and ecotoxicological testing of chemicals.
Power from Shore
Any new development on the Norwegian Continental Shelf is required to conduct a power from shore assessment (chapter 2.11 in the NPD's PDO guideline). This assessment include a technical feasibility assessment and abatement cost assessment.
NEMS has since 2002 assisted Offshore Norge , Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, individual operators and other stakeholders with power from shore assessments. We conduct studies for individual field developments and area evaluations.
We estimate the emission reduction potential, CAPEX and OPEX and calculate the abatement cost (cost per CO2 mitigated). We also evaluate other impact effects of power from shore.